Gym Training vs Home Training
This Q&A session has been created to provide more information about 'Gym Training Vs Home Training' by the trainer Kris Hughes . He has been very descriptive in the answers providing the more content. Q1. As a personal trainer who can offer training at someone's home in Dubai or in a gym what would you say are the main pros and cons of both locations? The pros of home training: Easily accessible Free Comfortable surroundings The Cons of home training: Less equipped therefore less options Smaller space Having inactive family members around during training Lack of socialness The pros of gym training: Endless training options Large space Plenty of others around for support People around with shared goals Motivational to show up if committed to a membership The cons of gym training: Costs Travelling to a facility Can get crowded at peak times Q2. A gym can sometimes feel a bit intimidating for someone new to exercise and fitness – if you hav...