
Showing posts from September, 2017

Best Cardio Workout Tips and Types

This Q&A session has been created to provide more information about ' Cardio Workouts '. Although the layout is a Q&A please be as descriptive in the answers as possible because the more content provided the better. The questions are designed as a guide so please feel free to expand on the topic in your answers in order to get more content into the discussion. Cardio workouts are great for health and fitness and weight loss too. Adding an element of cardio to a daily workout routine can help people in Dubai get and stay in shape. As a personal trainer who specializes in cardio fitness what are your preferred methods of cardio workouts? I like to vary my cardio workouts. Equipment wise I also vary so I don’t feel like I’m being overly repetitive. When I’m having a day where my energy is low I stick with LISS (Low-Intensity Steady State) cardio and just gently cycle or go on the cross trainer for 45minutes. Something without too high exertion. On more energetic d...